Vehicle road test

Vehicle road tests

During the design and development process of a two-wheeler, the vehicle’s experimental activities on the road play an essential role both as support for the design choices and as validation of the same design choices.

In the light of this, Engines Engineering has included a specific laboratory inside its general management in order to set, carry out and analyze tests’ outcomes, as well as technical checks and vehicle’s trials that are carried out on the road and/or on track, completed by a team of long experienced technician sand testers, who are able to evaluate the vehicle’s behavior during the various driving conditions.

Furthermore, a wide range of proper sensors and data recording systems is available to measure testing parameters with high accuracy and resolution.


We provide detailed reports for each specific type of service.

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  • Stress measurements by road/track tests
  • Road/track technical tests on vehicles (brakes, cooling, etc.)
  • Durability road /track tests
  • Misure di stress con prove su strada/pista
  • Prove tecniche veicolo su strada/pista (freni, raffreddamento, etc.)
  • Prove di durata su strada / pista

Our strengths

Massive mileage accumulation

We are organized and able to travel up to 1000 km per day, operating on three shifts for accumulation.

Technical evaluation skills

Our drivers are professionals, which are able to recognize and assess any kind of malfunctioning and problem, both in the accumulation phase and during revision.


We are able and competent to face any type of road, on road or off road.

Other services:

Such service consists of the analysis of the behavior of the vehicle and the components’ life by simulating the road disconnections on Cam Drum bench.

It is performed to simulate road stresses by recording data through sensors that analyze the forces in the critical areas of components.

It is carried out to calibrate the engine and easy its integration into the vehicle. A roll bench equipped with a wide range of sensors allows such activity.

Validation of starting and first acceleration, at controlled temperature, in a variable range from -30 ° C to room temperature.

They are carried out to develop new engine configurations. The room, kept at controlled temperature, is equipped with an eddy currents engine bench.

They consist of measuring the exhaust emissions in order to make the vehicles conform to the main regulations in force.

They have the purpose of verifying the endurance and the reliability of the vehicle by simulating road routes or other via a robotic bench.

They consist of measuring the evaporative emissions in accordance with the most important regulations currently or soon in force.

They are carried out to confirm the structural strength of a vehicle component by using benches that simulate the road stresses.

They have the purpose of numerical simulations integrating into the process of project development to estimate and solve possible structural problems.

It consists of the detection of the vibrations induced by the engine that limit comfort and reduce the life of electronic and mechanical components.

They are made to measure the sound level and sound quality of the vehicle as per the Customer’s goals and within the limits of current legislation.